Monday, October 6, 2008

Cardboard Testamonies

Get the tissues ready!


Leslie said...

Wow! That was so powerful. We can all see ourselves in so many of those testimonies. Reminded me of the grace & mercy I have received over & over again. Thank you for posting this video.

Jill said...

That is an awesome video! We all have some sort of testimony don't we?

kim said...

I love this video. We all have come from "something" and can be transformed by the power of God living in us.

Tricia said...

This is one of the best videos I've seen. Thanks for sharing. I am so glad that no matter what we've done, each one of us is worth it to God!

Lora said...

God bless each of them! Makes you think about what would be on your (my) cardboard, doesn't it?!

Carol said...

Wow, POWERFUL, thank you so much for sharing! =)