Tuesday, September 9, 2008

School days have started :)

So, now that school is in full swing, my life is starting to settle down a little. But not much! Bryan is a Junior! in high school this year, I can't believe where the time has gone. It was just yesterday that he was a chubby little baby. Brandon is a freshmen in high school, he seems to be enjoying it OK. Annika started middle school this year and really likes it. She's not to sure about the homework, but knowing her it won't be a problem. Arianna started school here for the first time. She wasn't too happy about going to school at first, I'm sure that she thought that she was done with school and work once she left China, ha ha! But now that she has been in school for awhile she seems to be happy and says that she likes it. She has a wonderful, sweet teacher who I think will be great for her.
Alenna is happy to have me all to herself pretty much full time now, and is enjoying some peace and quite around the house. Since I didn't have enough to do with my five kids, ;) I offered to babysit for a friend. So now we have a baby around the house again for a few hours a day. Alenna does really enjoy playing with her, so it is nice to have her here.
I am happy to have a routine again! I can now get my cleaning done without tripping over kids all day, and maybe work on some projects this fall.


kim said...

I love the routine also, although it seems that I'm running here & there & everywhere now, wishing I could just be home. Ah, the grass is always greener. I'm glad Arianna is beginning to enjoy school. Before long, she'll be loving it I bet.

Jill said...

Routine is good! Schedule is good!

Arianna looks so sweet and so happy! I can't believe Bryan is a Jr. and our kids are both Freshmen! That is nuts! Where does the time go?

Tricia said...

I am glad Arianna is adjusting to school and that it's working out watching Andi.

Lori said...

no mention of Brandon?
oh my.....