Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Annika and Arianna have very easyly moved into their roles as sisters. I love watching them walk around holding hands. I think they already have their own secret language. Arianna and Annika talk all the time, and Annika seems to understand her very well. I am so glad that we had the chance to add another child to our family. The people here ask how many kids we have and when we tell them that we have five children they say that we are a very lucky family. I agree.

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kim said...

You are a very lucky family. God will continue to bless you and your entire family. The picture of the girls is beautiful. You can just sense their love and connection with one another. Sisters always....sisters.

Tricia said...

I am so happy for you guys! Arianna is a blessed little girl. We can't wait to meet her. I got to ride in the van with Alenna to Camp Touchet Monday and she did very well. Her little voice is so cute, she repeated everything Merrily and Cassidy said!